Welcome. I am Ann George, a professional psychic consultant with an office in the Blackstone Building downtown as well as a private studio for Zoom and Phone clients. I have been reading for the public since I opened my first studio in 1996. I am a full time metaphysical consultant.

I was born with psychic and clairvoyant abilities as well as empathic and intuitive skills. I was able to hear people thinking, and as a child, human Spirits came to visit often. I was able to know what was going to happen next in many, many situations. I thought everyone was just like me. Now, I know true psychics are rare.  

Here is an update on my services for 2024. I list all the services I offer on my card and on my website as a Menu. New clients have started to call to ask “What do you do?”. At first I was confused by this. Exploring, I took a look at YouTube and other social media sites to see the readings offered there. I also looked at ads by other psychics, and some of the 800 psychic sites on line and found the sources of confusion. 

While there are authentic gifted Seers, or psychic readers, there are far more pretenders. These “readers” populate YouTube offering all sorts of Tarot readings, and yet do not have a deck of Tarot cards! 

Maybe some of these other “readers” don’t know they can’t read the Akashic Record and can’t see the future. Maybe they believe their service is helpful. Perhaps they have never had a real psychic reading and are in a kind of darkened hallway about psychism in general. (Sadly, some pretenders are con artists and cheats.) 

There are gifted seers, or psychics who sell consultations to the public. They offer all kinds of valuable services. Some authentic seers specialize in one or another kind of reading. Please be sure you know the price before beginning. 

I offer several kinds of Psychic & Shamanic Services as well as Energy Healing. 

Psychic services, which incude Psychic Tarot Readings, Psychic Readings and Mediumship. All these are “Trance Work” sessions. This kind of service requires adavance notice to allow me time to prepare the Space we will use for the reading. {1}

Please note, I offer clairvoyant Tarot card readings to show your future, or to help you see deeply into any life area you wish to explore. 

I do not offer the kind of session where the reader tells you what each card means and because you got this card then these kinds of things will happen to you. We have free will and our future is a consequence of our thoughts, words and deeds. The purpose of consulting a powerful oracle like Tarot is to give you the greatest insight into any question you care to ask. An accurate reading empowers you to create the future you most want to live.

Using Tarot, a gifted psychic can reveal the outcome of your choices. If you are at a cross roads, Tarot can show you where each road takes you. A professional psychic will help you see down the road. 

A true psychic is able to give you a reading without using Tarot, crystals, Runes or any of the other ancient and respected tools that are helpful. Some of my clients never want to use Tarot. They prefer a direct connection to the Akashic Record. I prefer to use Tarot as a validator. Clients come to me, often under stress or in some kind of pain. My first value is to do no harm. With Tarot as my witness, I am more confident that I have given the most accurate answer. {2}

An authentic psychic is able to make a direct link to the Spirit World. You could call this place the Realm of Perception, the Akashic Record, or The Other Side. Some people prefer to use the term Divine Consciousness. No matter what you call this powerful Other World, there is a place in time where everything is happening all at once and our choices determine our future. 

I am the person to call when you want to access that kind of information. I do not use Spirit Guides. I was born “seeing” and when I reached the appropriate age in my tradition, I began to offer readings to the public.

The second service grouping is best described as Shamanic Consultation. This service group includes Spiritual Coaching, Issue Specific Mentoring, Shamanic Vision and “Path Work.” It also includes Paranormal Event Consultations for people who are concerned about Spirits in the home, hauntings, curses and “root work”. Spell Casting and “Negative Energy” are discussed in this kind of appointment. If you are afraid you have had a VooDoo curse, please order this session.

Shamanic Consultations fall in between the categories of Psychic Consultation and Psychic Advisor that one sees online.  While these services are offered in psychic attention thay are not trance services. 

More notes on Trance Reading:

I’m a trance reader, which means I don’t read from the flat world, I read from the Akashic Record. Many people don’t access that when they’re doing a reading for you.  You can usually tell a difference when an authentic reader is reading, you should be able to feel it.

You should feel a change in the room. You should feel a change in yourself because that seer is putting you in contact with your own divine essence. They are helping you return your consciousness to the place where everything is possible and you have authority over your life.

If you want to sit down at the table and have me tell you what is going to happen, you must be prepared for any answer you get. This kind of reading may or may not be useful. I avoid offering that service as anything can happen when you take your hands off the wheel.

Two hundred years ago, it was very possible to have your Fortune told. Times have changed and very few people are able to live such a passive life that cards determine their future. I can see near and far. Just because I see something in your future, that does not make it meaningful for you today. As well, conditions are not specified. When conditions change, your future changes. Therefore, a reading like this may never “come true”. 

What I Don’t Do: 

I can’t find lost objects.

I can’t find lost people nor lost pets. I don’t have that gift. 

I don’t give out lucky numbers.

I don’t cast spells of any kind. 

I am not a witch. 

I am not a VooDoo priestess. 

I am not working under the mantle of any occult religion.

I don’t want to look to see if you lover is cheating on you. If you have so little faith in your partner, it’s just best to move on. 

I don’t do root work. 

There are secret & powerful things that are not for sale. I realize we hunger for that deep spiritual connection that makes miracles part of our lives. You may find the path to that crossroads.  It requires discipline, that you bid for Power, and that you are willing to turn your back on all the comforts this culture offers.     

I thank you for your attention. 

To book, visit my website or CLICK

{1} Preparation and the creation of Sacred Space are vital. Watch for future articles on that topic. 

{2} Tarot is also an excellent gatekeeper for me. As I have been crossing the veil for so many years, decades now, Tarot gives me a kind of reassurance and validation. 

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