I realize this is a very sensitive and difficult article to read if you have lost a loved one to suicide. If you are still in pain, are hurt, angry or feeling guilt or blaming, then it may be best for you to read this blog at a later time.

I am writing about mediumship & suicide because recently I have had several clients come to me seeking more information, closure, and sometimes connection to loved ones who have committed suicide or who appear to have done so.

I have a PodBean about Mediumship work in general for those who come seeking that service. I feel it is very important for me to be clear with all my clients about what I am able to do, and to provide more information about mediumship for those who have never had a session with a clairvoyant person.  Please listen to the podcast on the topic of mediumship in general for an overview.

This is just a short post in response to several readings I have done lately. In one case, my client said they felt as if it was somehow wrong to seek clarity about a suicide. In my experience, which is only 20 years of professional service (I am sure there are more experienced readers who may disagree with me) seeking closure, clarity, insight with a loving heart and a pure motive is not wrong.

The intent we bring to a session is critical. My intention is to be of service, to honestly answer any question asked, and to tell the truthful answer to the question no matter what the answer may be. I do not judge, I do not give advice, and I do not remember the details of a session once it is over.

It is my experience that when those who seek to and do connect with their loved ones, even those who chose to end their lives, this act can cause the release of many emotions for the seeker. Afterwards clients often express relief, and report they feel validated, that they feel as if what they thought was true was indeed accurate.

This kind of experience seems to allow people to let go and move on with greater clarity. (I do remember what people say after the session is over.) Most are very grateful to have had that moment of connection with their lost person.

As well, for those who left this world by their own actions, the chance to “speak to” or to “be present with” their grieving family member seems to provide a relief. Many times those who have left their bodies want to comfort the living. Many times they have messages, insights, and want to help with the healing process.
It would not be useful for me to go into greater detail about this topic as this is a very sensitive issue, and my purpose is only to offer my insight that asking to connect with a loved one from a pure heart is not wrong.

Ann George

(I am not a licensed mental health counselor and do not pretend to be one. I am a clairvoyant person who has been in service over 20 years. As such, I can share my experience and hope this post is helpful.)

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